Posts in Scale

Starting your private practice will entail performing many different roles as you work towards hiring support or investing in programs and products to streamline your business operations. Becoming comfortable with your role as an entrepreneur does take some practice and there are a few entrepreneurial skills that should be your top priority as you look to grow your business.

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5 Books on Entrepreneurship You Should Read

Venturing into entrepreneurship as you build your private practice will present you with new challenges and provide ample learning opportunities. Developing your skills as an entrepreneur is often what many therapists struggle with when making the transition into private practice. In this article, you will find 5 books on entrepreneurship every private practitioner should read.

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3 Tips for Growing Your Associate Practice

Growing an associate practice by bringing additional therapists into your business allows you to not only service more clients, but it also gives you an opportunity to earn additional revenue by expanding your income streams. While you focus on growing and streamlining your business, your associates can continue to serve your clients and build your practice caseload. Here are 3 tips for growing your associate practice!

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The Top Tips for Launching Your First Course As A Private Practitioner

One way you can begin to introduce additional service offerings into your practice is to develop courses or workshops that provide immense value to your ideal client while also allowing them to work through the lessons and content at their own pace, fitting into their schedule. There are several things to consider before launching your first course so keep reading for our best tips!

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How to Diversify Your Private Practice Revenue

Growing and expanding your private practice often requires the development of additional revenue streams, often leading to the possibility of unlimited earning potential. As a private practitioner, you can offer more to your clients than 1-on-1 appointments -- this is where you get to flex your entrepreneurial muscle! Keep reading to learn how to diversify your private practice revenue so that you can build your business to support your goals!

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