Posts in Accelerate
Why You Need A Business Retreat (and How To Make It Happen)

As an entrepreneur, it can feel overwhelming handling the many roles involved in running your private practice. You are responsible for ensuring that your administrative back-end is functioning and up-to-date, developing and marketing new revenue streams, and making financial decisions … all while providing service to your clients during their sessions!

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3 Ways To Enforce Boundaries With Your Clients

As a private practitioner, one of the most important things you will need to do when you launch your practice is to outline the boundaries you will have with your clients and the boundaries that will be in place to protect your personal time as soon as possible. Oftentimes, therapists venture into private practice without these boundaries clearly identified and communicated which can result in burnout, client resentment and even loss of profit.

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Tips For Setting Up A Home Office For Your Private Practice

Virtual and telephone therapy is becoming the norm in the mental health industry. Aside from these changes coming as a result of increased safety precautions in the light of COVID-19, the benefits of virtual or phone sessions also include being more accessible for your clients and potentially more cost-effective for your business.

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The Ultimate Operations Toolkit for Private Practitioners

Running a private practice entails more than working with your clients in their sessions. As a private practitioner, your role also includes running your business and managing your schedule, accounting, marketing and more! There are some key tools you will need to use in order to run your practice successfully so keep reading for the ultimate toolkit for private practitioners!

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