Start the New Year with Reflection

Last year at this time, I was listening to a podcast by Marie Forleo, and she asked some great questions that really got me thinking. I have included variations of these questions as part of my yearly reflections on my business and personal life.

As we enter 2020, you may have taken stock on the logistics of your business, but what about personal reflections? How satisfied are you with where your business is at? Are you feeling passionate and creative about your work? Have you taken time to celebrate your successes? What have you learned this past year?

You can take some time to answer these questions, but I’ll also share with you the questions that Marie Forleo posed and the ones I answer for myself this time of year.

What did I do, create, or experience in 2019 that I’m really, really proud of?

For me personally, taking time to reflect on my successes, the things I did well, doesn’t come naturally. Yet, it’s always been a super helpful process. It not only forces me to pause from the busy-ness of being an entrepreneur, but it also helps keep me focused on the positive and feel good about the work I’ve done. Answering this question also helps guide my focus for the year to come. If something was particularly successful, or I just felt great doing it, why not keep doing it? Or find new, creative ways to build on that success?

What mistakes did I make that I learned from? What lessons did I learn from that I can leverage in the future?

I don’t know about you, but I’m a creature of habit. After answering this question two years in a row, I know that I have a tendency to fall into the same habits over and over again… whether they’re good or bad. I’ve noticed that the biggest mistake I typically make is undervaluing myself and what I have to offer. Noticing this year after year helps hold me accountable and esures I'll be less likely to keep making the same mistake! What decisions or actions have you taken this year that will do differently in 2020?

What am I willing to let go of?

This is a big one. There are things I do (again, out of habit), that really don’t serve me or my business. Whether it’s thinking we can control things we can’t, taking on too much responsibility, stressing unnecessarily, or failing to set realistic goals, the more we bring these tendencies into the light, the more likely we are to let them go! What are you willing to let go of in 2020, that doesn’t serve you anymore?

As we launch into a brand new, exciting year I’m continuing to offer support to Canadian-based therapists and counsellors at every stage of the game in private practice.

If you’re brand new to private practice… just finishing your schooling or practicum, and still in the dreaming stages, I invite you to join us in the next round of the 8-week Build Your Private Practice Mastermind Course that begins on January 20th, 2020! You can find more info & register here.

If you have just launched your private practice and are still in your first year, you are likely working on honing the business side of your practice, along with marketing and getting new clients. For support to create the thriving private practice, with a full caseload that you’ve been dreaming of, I invite you to join our 4-week Action Group that begins on January 23rd! Space is limited to 6 people.

If you already run your own private practice and are seeking support to take things to the next level, I invite you to check out the ways I can support you and help you grow your business through private Business Mentorship!