Why Your Private Practice Needs a Mission and Values

To be successful in private practice, having a “why” is essential. This lays the foundation for developing a clear mission and values. When you have a reason for doing what you are doing, that is powerful and touches something deep inside your core, that reason can lift you up and carry you through the most difficult of times. That reason (your “why”) can make the difference between your success versus falling victim to your own fears, or to the challenges and obstacles placed before you on your path.

Consider completing the following sentences for yourself:

I want to be in private practice to experience....

I want to be in private practice so I can offer....

Why do big businesses have a mission and values statement?

You probably have a go-to brand when it comes to your favourite products. Think about why you choose them over their competition. Typically, we are loyal to brands because we align with their mission and values. You may get your coffee from the same café each day, opt to fly with a particular airline or have a go-to spot for your favourite take-out food. It’s likely that these brands have created a lasting connection with you as a consumer.

The customer experience that big brands create (from their storefronts to online experience to customer service) is a direct representation of their mission and values. It’s what sets them apart from their competitors and what makes you keep choosing them when you make purchasing decisions.

What is the purpose?

A mission statement will declare the purpose that your brand serves to your clients. A mission statement should also help your ideal client determine what sets you apart from your competitor. 

Here’s a mission statement from Google: 

  • To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

In this instance the purpose is ‘To organize the world’s information’ and what sets Google apart from their competition is the statement, ‘make it universally accessible and useful’.

A value statement will reflect your principle, beliefs or philosophy of conducting business. It will help your clients better understand your brand identity and communicate your top priorities. 

Here’s an example of values from Ikea:

  • Daring to be different; We question old solutions and, if we have a better idea, we are willing to change.

  • Togetherness and enthusiasm; Together, we have the power to solve seemingly unsolvable problems. We do it all the time.

In this instance, it is easy to determine how Ikea conducts business and how their beliefs drive their work.

Do you really need a Mission and Values Statement in private practice?

One key aspect to consider when running a private practice is that in addition to being a counsellor or therapist, you are also a business owner. This means that you will have to look at your business through the eyes of an entrepreneur and get clear on your strategy, mission and values. These factors will dictate how you operate your practice and how you showcase your brand identity to your clients. 

Determining your ‘WHY’ will help you continually evaluate the quality of your service, connect with your ideal client and deepen your resilience to continue your meaningful work even through the roughest spots.

Think about your:


Why did you want to start a private practice, what is your story, why do you do this work and why is it important to you and to your clients?


What will your clients gain as a result of your services and the values with which you approach them?


How will you fulfil your vision, who will you impact, what problems will you solve?


What do you believe in, what is important to you, and your clients?

By understanding these aspects of your business, you will gain clarity about why you are in private practice, who you want to serve, and how to demonstrate your values through your work. Having this foundation in place is extremely helpful if you start to feel bogged down by your caseload or have to make important decisions for your practice.

Thinking about private practice? Just in the launch stages? I’d love to help you launch a wildly successful practice, with clarity, ease and confidence! 

Already running your private practice, but hitting some inevitable roadblocks? I’d love to help!  Our Launch Your Practice Program teaches you everything you need to know to successfully launch your private practice, and also includes personalized support from an experienced coach!