How to Attract Clients with Good Copywriting

In today's fast-paced world, where digital presence is more crucial than ever, attracting clients to your private practice requires a strategic approach. With the ever-increasing competition, standing out to your ideal clients is key. They are no longer just passively waiting; they are actively seeking services that resonate with their needs and values.

So, how do you capture their attention and stand out?

We live in a time where your potential clients are constantly online, navigating through a sea of information. They are likely to first encounter your practice through your website, social media profiles, or even your email newsletters. These digital touchpoints are your opportunity to showcase what you do, why you do it, and most importantly, how you can help them. The secret to making a lasting impression and building a connection that encourages them to book a session lies in the power of good copywriting.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is written or spoken words that have the goal to make your ideal client take action. After reading or hearing your copywriting, your ideal client should feel inspired to book a consultation with you, contact you for more information or even do something as simple as subscribing to your email newsletter list. Ultimately, good copywriting gets people to feel, think and respond by taking the action that you’re outlining in your content.

What does good copywriting entail?

Good copywriting often approaches the reader in an unexpected way and may even change their perspective. A great example of this would be publishing a blog post that details the benefits of virtual counselling. Up until the past few years, the idea of online counselling was less common and many potential clients may not have previously been open to this possibility. By outlining the benefits, you are shedding light on how this type of service could work for your clients, with the goal of having them take action by booking an online session with you.

Effective copywriting will also create a clear connection between your service and the experience it results in. Perhaps this looks like outlining your specific approach to counselling and describing how that could impact the life and outlook of your potential clients.

Demonstrating how a service will solve your client’s problem to alleviate their pain point is an important aspect of effective copywriting. When a reader feels as though their challenges, struggles and concerns are understood, they are open to hearing about how your service offers a solution.

When it comes to blog posts or email newsletters, your copywriting will have the goal of leaving your readers wanting more. By using a strong headline or subject line, you will entice your audience to invest time into reading your article or email (which should be packed with valuable content and a strong call to action).

Additionally, copywriting that sells has the ability to elicit a response without being hyperbolic. Consumers are becoming more aware of sales tactics that seem ‘too good to be true’ so using words like ‘revolutionary’ or ‘earthshattering’ can send red flags. Encourage your ideal client to take action in terms that feel genuine and attainable. This is especially important in matters of mental health challenges and in copywriting for private practices because it’s important to demonstrate a sense of reliability and trustworthiness.

Arguably most importantly, good copywriting speaks more to your ideal client than it does about you. While outlining your qualifications and approach to therapy is important, more so it is imperative to demonstrate how those aspects will benefit your client. A good rule of thumb, when writing or investing in copywriting for your private practice, is to consider how many times you refer to yourself or your business versus how frequently you refer to your prospective client. Copywriting is about your audience so be sure to save all the great things about you for your About Me page.

So why is good copywriting important?

Effective copywriting strikes a balance between being relatable and informative. By demonstrating that you understand your target audience and the struggle they are facing, you will instill a feeling of confidence in your ideal client and establish credibility and authority as a trustworthy and knowledgeable resource.

Good copywriting will also convey your brand image, mission and values and helps to build brand awareness. Your written content on your website, social media profiles or in your email newsletter is often the first encounter a prospective client will have with your private practice and this is where they will get a sense of who you are as a practitioner but also as a business owner.

Each piece of written content from your services page on your website to your call-to-action buttons in your email newsletter or sales page is an opportunity to establish a relationship and build trust with your ideal clients. It's important to always consider if your content is providing valuable information while also demonstrating the benefits of your service.

Copywriting speaks directly to your audience and addresses the very specific pain points that they are facing. By ensuring that your copywriting speaks more to your prospective client and less about your business or you as a practitioner, you will be able to effectively exhibit how your services will assist them with their challenges.

Audit your copywriting

While this can all seem overwhelming (there is a lot to consider!), auditing your current copywriting is a great place to start. Take a look at your website, social accounts and emails and work through these questions:

  1. What is unique about your service? Perhaps you have a specialization that makes you a better fit for a certain client.

    1. What benefit does your service provide? Does your copywriting reflect this as it relates to your ideal client?

    2. What pain points does your service alleviate? Does this reflect the challenges that your ideal client is facing?

    3. What features are includes in your services and how would these benefit your client? For example, offering online counselling may be enticing to clients that may not be able to leave their homes or travel to your office or home.

    4. Think about the clients that you are currently working with and the clients that you would like to be working with. If there is a discrepancy between them, think about how your website or content could be reworked to target your ideal client.

    5. What do your current clients love about your service? It is likely that prospective clients will also find these aspects appealing.

    6. Are you writing conversationally and using simple language? In many instances, the terminology you are used to using can be lost on clients who do not have a background in mental health. Ensure you are communicating in a way that is approachable and digestible.

    7. And finally, does your current copywriting:

      • Create a feeling of exclusivity? Will prospective clients feel as though you are the best practitioner for them?

      • Prove the value of your service? Are you speaking to how your services will benefit your ideal client, have you included testimonials (if applicable)?

      • Establish you as an authority? Do you instill a sense of trust in your audience by providing quality content and professional, approachable copywriting?

If you are just in the dreaming or launching stages of your new private practice, I invite you to join the Launch Your Practice Program You can find more info and register HERE.